The third annual international conference on digital economy is a bilingual conference (English and French). Papers can be submitted in one of these two languages and oral presentations can be made in French or in English. However, and due to the requirements of the conference scope and conference proceeding publishers, only those papers written in English will be included in the final conference proceedings. Scholars willing to have their papers published must submit a final version of their papers in English before the due date.
The author must submit the paper to one the tracks mentioned here. The number of the track chosen must be communicated during the submission process.
We invite researchers to submit scientific papers which should not exceed 10 pages using the Springer templates (Latex template, Word template) without page numbers. Selection of papers is based on their originality, relevance to the conference topics and technical soundness, following a double blind peer-reviewing process. Authors’ names and affiliations should be deleted from the submitted version. Self-references should be in the third person. One of the authors of an accepted submission should attend the conference to present the work. Papers should be submitted in PDF format through the Easychair system. Registered and presented papers will be published in Springer’s LNBIP series.
For more information on how to submit via Easychair, please consult the help page: